Home Research on Ethical Systems

Research on Ethical Systems

Research Ethics Policy

A. Human and Animal Rights

When reporting experiments on human subjects, it should be stated whether the procedures followed comply with the ethical standards established by the committee responsible for human trials (institutional, regional or national), and the author should provide the approval document of the committee (in the context of the Ethics Committee approval number) and declare in the document whether the informed consent of the subject or his relatives was obtained. Without a formal ethics committee, Should be described in the study is in line with the 2013 revision of the declaration of Helsinki (https://www.wma.net/policies-post/wma-declaration-of-helsinki-ethical-principles-for-medi cal-research-involving-human-subjects/). When reporting experiments on animals, Authors should follow the Guidelines for Ethical Review of Experimental Animal Welfare (GB/T 35892-2018) "(https://openstd.samr.gov.cn/bzgk/gb/newGbInfo?hcno=9BA619057D5C13103622A10FF4BA5D14) requirements, the standard to carry out the experiment of animal welfare ethics.

The research involved in the manuscript does not obtain ethical approval according to the regulations, or exceeds the scope of ethical approval, or violates the norms of research ethics, should be defined as a violation of research ethics. Violations of research ethics can take the form of:

(1) The research involved in the manuscript has not obtained the corresponding ethical approval according to regulations, or cannot provide the corresponding approval certificate.

(2) The research involved in the manuscript is beyond the scope of ethical approval.

(3) In the research involved in the manuscript, there are problems in violation of research ethics such as improper injury to research participants, mistreatment of living experimental subjects, violation of the principle of informed consent, etc.

(4) The manuscript reveals the privacy of the subjects or respondents.

(5) The manuscript does not explain the conflict of interest in the research involved as required.

B. Informed consent

The Declaration of Helsinki states that potential trial participants must normally be informed of the purpose of the trial, at least sufficiently so that they are aware of the potential benefits and risks, the right to refuse to participate or to withdraw consent at any time, the affiliation of the investigator and potential conflicts of interest, and the source of funding for the trial. Patients make informed and voluntary decisions about whether to participate in clinical studies, clinical investigations, and clinical trials.

C. Author signature and author contribution

Each undersigned author of an article published in the Journal of China Medical Devices accepts responsibility for contributing to the design, execution, analysis, and reporting of the study in a meaningful and identifiable way, and agrees to take responsibility for all aspects of the study.

1. Author signature

According to the International Committee of Medical Journal Editors, ICMJE 2023 update edition of the implementation and report academic research and medical journal editors and recommendations published "(https://www.icmje.org/recommendations/), signed the author should also meet the following four criteria:

(1) Make a significant contribution to the idea or design of the study, or obtain, analyze or interpret data for the study;

(2) Drafting research manuscripts or conducting critical reviews of important knowledge content;

(3) finalizing the version to be published;

(4) agree to take full responsibility for the research and to ensure that questions relating to the accuracy or integrity of any part of the manuscript are properly investigated and resolved.

All those who meet the above 4 criteria should be identified as authors. Those who do not meet all 4 criteria should not be listed as author. In addition to taking responsibility for their own part of the work, authors should also be aware of the specific part of the research work that other co-authors are responsible for. In addition, authors should trust their co-authors with the integrity of the research. Authorship is not limited to participation in grant applications, data collection, copy editing, overall management of the research team or administrative support, writing assistance, copy editing and proofreading.

2. Author contribution

Authors should declare their contributions at the end of the article. Please refer to the "Responsible Attribution: Guidelines for Authorship of Academic Journal Articles" (Blue Book) jointly developed by the Institute of Scientific and Technical Information of China and John Wiley International Publishing Group (Wiley). Based on the Contributor Role Taxonomy (CRediT) standard developed and published by the National Information Standards Organization (NISO), The author's contribution is divided into 14 categories, see web site (https://www.niso.org/standards-committees/credit) for more information.

Note: Author contribution information is not required when there is only one author.

3. Change of author and order

Author attribution and ranking should be discussed by all authors before submission, and should not be changed after submission. If there is any change in the author's attribution after the initial submission of the manuscript, you need to submit an author change statement signed by all authors before and after the change, and re-sign the submission copyright agreement. This requirement applies to adding, deleting, changing the author order, and so on. Any changes must be explained to the editorial board, and editors can ask any author if they have given permission to the change.

4. Author attribution and author contribution disputes

In the event of disputes involving author attribution and author contribution, Journal of China Medical Devices follows the relevant guidelines of the International Committee on Publication Ethics (COPE): http://www.publicationethics.org/.

D. Conflicts of interest and sources of project funding

Authors are required to identify the name and number of the project funded by the author or his or her unit in the manuscript, and to accurately note any potential conflicts of interest in the manuscript. Project team members of the funded project need to be among the authors.

E. Paper repetition rate

It is forbidden the author submit one manuscript that are already been published Submissions that are similar or close to published articles, such as similar hypotheses, sample characteristics, methods, results and conclusions, will be rejected. The editorial department uses CNKI/Wanfang duplicate search system to check and retrieve manuscripts. When the duplicated ratio of manuscripts is higher than 20%, the manuscripts will be rejected.

Pubdate: 2024-08-22    Viewed: 458