Home Publication Ethics and Publication Malpractice Statement

Publication Ethics and Publication Malpractice Statement

Publication Ethics Statement

China Medical Devices publishes manuscripts based on the principle of research integrity and specifications, refer to Best Practice Guidelines of the Committee on Publication Ethics (COPE) (http://www.publicationethics.org/), Chinese Academic Publication Norms—Definitions and Examples of Journal Academic Misconduct (CY/T 174-2019), and other relevant provisions. Combined with the actual work of the journal, the authors’, peer reviewers’, and editors’ publication ethics code are formulated.

China Medical Devices strictly follows the ethical codes published by domestic and international editorial groups, and firmly opposes repeated publication, multiple submissions, plagiarism, undisclosed conflicts of interest, authors’ arbitrary attribution, data fabrication, and research without ethical approval. Authors submitting manuscripts to this journal must confirm the originality of the content of the manuscript, that is, the submitted manuscript must be the result of independent writing after consulting relevant materials. Except for the content of the references cited in the manuscript, the manuscript does not contain the results of any other published or written works by any other individual or group, and it should also ensure that the manuscript has not been published in any language, in whole or in part, in another place, nor has it been reviewed for publication purposes in another place, and the legal consequences arising therefrom shall be borne by the author.

China Medical Devices will strictly abide by and implement the relevant national policies and regulations on editing and publishing, regulate the behavior of journal editors, peer reviewers and authors in the editing and publishing process, resolutely maintain and promote the integrity of scientific research, adhere to high standards of publishing ethics, ensure high-quality academic publishing, and accept the supervision of the academic community and the whole society.

The authors, editors and peer reviewers of this journal shall perform the following duties, and shall also comply with other relevant regulations and requirements of China Medical Devices.

Authors Responsibility:

1. The original research must be described honestly in strict accordance with the experimental data, without repeated publication, multiple submission of one draft, plagiarism, data falsification, etc.

2. The content of the manuscript should conform to the scope of inclusion in China Medical Devices, agree to peer review, and provide original data or source code if necessary.

3. All signatories should be people who have contributed to the research, and must ensure that no authors are added arbitrarily, and the first author and corresponding author names cannot be changed after submission.

4. Agree to sign the Copyright Transfer Authorization Letter and give priority to digital publication of the manuscript on CNKI, Wanfang Data and other databases before publication.

5. Permission must be obtained to cite published literature, and the relevant references cited by the manuscript must be provided if necessary.

6. If the research is funded by specific fund, the category name and number of the fund project should be listed.

7. Any research involving humans or animals must meet national, local and institutional ethical requirements and be approved by an ethical committee with an ethical code number.

8. The submission format should conform to the writing standards in the submission guidelines of China Medical Devices, and the standardized Word version of the manuscript should be uploaded in accordance with the manuscript Template and Reference Description Format.

9. After revision, the manuscript should be replied and revised according to the comments of peer reviewers and editors, and the revisions should be marked in red font. In addition, the revised manuscript and amendment instructions must be uploaded back to the submission system.

10. For proofreading, be sure to read the full text and carefully verify the author, unit, fund project and other information to avoid problems.

11. Manuscripts are encouraged but not required to be associated with scientific data sharing levels. It is not mandatory to open and share scientific data associated with scientific manuscripts, and authors are encouraged to share scientific data supporting the results of their manuscripts when conditions permit. Shared manuscript associated scientific data needs to be stored in a scientific data warehouse that meets the requirements, and open shared manuscript associated scientific data needs to be allowed to be reused and referenced by regulations.

Editors Responsibilities:

1. Review the initial submissions, preliminarily assess the academic, innovative and technical nature of the manuscripts, and promptly terminate academic misconduct such as excessive copy ratio (duplicated content rate of all quoted manuscripts shall not exceed 20%, and duplicated content rate of a single quoted manuscript shall not exceed 5%) and multiple submission of one manuscript through CNKI’s academic misconduct detection system, and give first decisions: Rejection, Peer review, Revision, etc. The manuscripts that meet the requirements of peer review will be sent to the peer reviewers in the relevant direction through the acquisition and editing system. Send the review reports to the author. The revised manuscript, revision instructions, and review reports shall be summarized and sent to the chief editor. The chief editor gives the final decisions of the manuscript: Publication, Publication after modification, Review after modification, or Rejection.

2. During the review process, peer reviewers with conflict of interests should be avoided.

3. The editorial team has the right to make rejection and acceptance decisions based on reviewers’ comments, but not based on editors’ personal opinions. Decisions already made cannot be changed unless serious errors or academic misconduct are found.

4. The review process for special issues, features, columns and fund manuscripts should be the same as that for regular manuscripts, and the decision on whether to accept or not should be based on academic indicators, without being affected by other subjective factors.

5. The editorial team shall review the scientificity and ethical reasonableness of biomedical research projects.

6. For the revised or rejected manuscripts, provide comprehensive, detailed and clear comments on revision or rejection to the authors, respond to the objections raised by the authors in a timely manner, and communicate effectively until a consensus is reached.

7. For manuscripts with problems after publication, collect and investigate evidence, decide on Correction or Retraction according to the severity of errors or academic misconduct, and publish a statement on the website.

8. Keep the content and data confidential before publication.

9. Timely upload the electronic version of published manuscripts to CNKI, Wanfang Data, VIP Data and other databases.

10. Fair, impartial and objective treatment of authors, peer reviewers and editorial board members, and maintain friendly contact.

11. Timely answer questions from readers, authors, peer reviewers, etc.

12. Protect the personal information of authors and peer reviewers, update it in a timely manner, and continue to invite new reviewers to participate in peer review.

13. Continue to attract authors to contribute, about high-quality fund manuscripts. Regularly organize the meeting of editorial board members.

14. After the article is published, mail the manuscript edition of the Journal to the author promptly.

15. Follow the principle of absolute confidentiality and keep the personal information of the contributors confidential. According to the principle of single blindness, all the information of the peer reviewers is hidden from the authors, and the personal information of any peer reviewers is not allowed to be disclosed to the authors.

16. Strictly follow the principle of “Three Reviews and Three Proofreading”, and constantly improve the level of manuscript editing.

17. The editorial team shall be responsible for preventing, accepting, investigating and dealing with academic misconduct of authors’ manuscripts. For the definition of academic misconduct, refer to Chinese Academic Publication Norms—Definitions and Examples of Journal Academic Misconduct (CY/T 174-2019). The journal editorial team opposes any form of academic misconduct. Once the editorial team receives a report on academic misconduct, and the report has a clear report object, clear violation facts, objective and clear evidence materials or verification clues, it will investigate and deal with it within 15 working days after receiving the report.

Reviewers’ Responsibilities:

1. Check the Invitation Letter for Peer-review of Manuscripts in the mailbox in time, log in to the online review system, and decide whether to accept the review invitation. If accepting the review, submit objective, fair, impartial, detailed and clear review comments on time; If the review is not accepted, may click “I do not accept the review invitation” and recommend potential reviewers.

2. Alert the editorial team to possible ethical issues (e.g. for human or animal research) or other findings.

3. Remind the editorial team that the reviewed manuscript is too similar to the published manuscript or the manuscript that has been submitted.

4. Make an overall evaluation of the manuscript, fill in the review report form, and give comprehensive comments: Publish, Publish after revision, Review after revision, and Rejection.

5. Keep the content and review reports of the manuscript confidential, while maintaining scientific ethics, and prohibit the use of the content and data in the manuscript review before publication.

6. Take the initiative to inform the editorial team whether there is any interest involved in reviewing the manuscript, and refuse to review the manuscript if there is any conflict of interest.

7. It is forbidden to contact the author privately or discuss the manuscript directly with the author.

8. Explain the uncertain issues in the manuscript.

Consequences of Violating Publishing Ethical Standards and Academic Misconduct


This journal has a zero-tolerance policy for violations of publication ethics and academic misconduct. Once academic misconduct is confirmed, the editorial department will take the following actions:

1. The authors must provide a written apology to the editorial department and compensate for any corresponding financial losses.

2. For unpublished confirmed manuscripts, the editorial department will immediately cease publication. For already published papers, a statement declaring the invalidity of the paper will be published in the latest issue of the journal and on the official website.

3. Notify major databases that the paper in question is suspected of academic misconduct for online retraction.

4. Send a letter to the author’s affiliated institution, reporting the situation.

5. The author of a confirmed academic misconduct paper will not be allowed to submit or publish any articles in this journal for a period of 5 years, and the case of academic misconduct will be reported to the relevant publishing associations.

6. Editors and peer reviewers found to be in violation of publication ethics and academic misconduct will be dismissed.

7. Individuals who violate the law will be subject to legal consequences.

Pubdate: 2024-08-22    Viewed: 656