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中国医疗设备  2015, Vol. 30 Issue (4): 91-93    DOI: 10.3969/j.issn.1674-1633.2015.04.027
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解放军第180医院 信息科,福建 泉州 362000
Design and Implementation of a Logistics Repair Application Management System in the Hospital
Combined with the requirements of the digital hospital and actual development, a Logistics Repair Application Management System was designed to realize standardized management of the applications for logistics repair. In the aspect of its architecture, the system proposed a new four-tier B/S structure through deep analysis of the two-tier and three-tier B/S structures, which made the system clearly-tiered and easy-to-maintain and optimized its operation performance. With the seamless integration of the system with HIS (Hospital Information System) and the Material and Consumable management System, the information and data sharing are improved so as to ensure the applications for logistics repair were managed in a scientific, standard and effective way.
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