

南京中医药大学附属常熟医院 放射科,江苏 常熟 215500

[摘 要]目的确定全身磁共振弥散加权成像(Whole Body Diffusion Weighted Imaging, WB-DWI)肺癌分期的诊断性能是否优于PET-CT联合颅脑MRI。方法用于肺癌分期与术前PET-CT联合颅脑MRI和WB-DWI检查的肺癌患者30例。其中鳞癌22例,腺癌6例,小细胞癌2例。对肺癌分期的准确性采用McNemar检验和卡方检验进行统计分析。结果PET-CT正确识别病理N分期23例(76.67%),2例被高估(6.67%)和5例被低估(16.67%),分期准确性为0.767。WB-DWI正确识别病理N分期26例(86.67%),1例被高估(3.33%)和3例被低估(10%),分期准确性为0.867,准确性差异无统计学差异。PETCT联合颅脑MRI正确分期20例(66.67%),3例被高估(10%)和7例被低估(23.33%),分期准确性为0.667。WB-DWI正确分期21例(70%),2例被高估(6.67%)和7例被低估(23.33%),分期准确性为0.7,准确性差异无统计学差异。结论WB-DWI对肺癌的分期诊断性能优于PET-CT联合颅脑MRI。



男性肺癌发病率和死亡率均占所有恶性肿瘤的第一位,转移是恶性肿瘤发生和演变过程中最危险的阶段[1]。故肺癌准确地术前分期至关重要,不同的分期治疗方法也不尽相同。目前肺癌的术前分期主要依靠PET-CT和颅脑MRI。虽然PET-CT可作为金标准,但程序复杂,基层医院装备少。而作为类PET的全身磁共振弥散加权成像(Whole Body Diffusion Weighted Imaging, WB-DWI)简便易操作,且无辐射,较PET-CT便宜,已应用于肺癌的临床分期[2-3]。本研究通过WB-DWI与PET-CT及颅脑MRI的比较,评估WB-DWI在肺癌术前分期中的价值。

1 资料与方法

1.1 一般资料


1.2 MRI扫描参数

磁共振成像采用1.5 T扫描仪(Magnetom Avanto,Siemens)。WB-MRI采用短T1反转恢复平面回波(Short T1 Inversion Recovery Echo Planner Imaging,STIR-EPI) 序列;患者空腹取仰平卧位,头先进,平静呼吸,扫描范围自头颅至股骨上段,包括双侧腹股沟区,分8个部位进行扫描,激光标志线定位于下颌骨颏突水平,扫描完成后对8段原始图像进行无缝重组,然后利用3D-MIP重建及黑白反转技术进行三维重建。WB-DWI参数:TR=13800 ms,TE=76 ms,b值 为 50和 1000 s/mm2,FOV=450 mm,层厚5.0 mm,Matrix为340×340,扫描时间为808 s。

颅脑MRI扫描:仰卧位,头颅线圈放置,定位眶耳线,进行轴位平扫及增强扫描,造影剂为钆喷酸葡 胺(0.2 mmol/kg)。T2WI:TR=5000 ms,TE=96 ms,FOV=230 mm, 层 厚 5.0 mm,Matrix为 60×40;T1WI:TR=550 ms,TE=8.7 ms,FOV=230 mm, 层 厚 5.0 mm,Matrix为60×40,扫描时间为20 min。

1.3 图像分析


1.4 统计学分析

统计分析使用STATA 13.1软件MP版。数据以平均值±标准差表示。全身DWI与PET-CT及颅脑MRI对肺癌分期的准确性采用McNemar检验和卡方检验,分别对敏感性、特异性、阳性预测值(Positive Predictive Value,PPV)和阴性预测值(Negative Predictive Value,NPV)进行比较。P<0.05表示有统计学意义。

2 结果



图1 PET-CT+颅脑MRI和WB-DWI的肺癌诊断图像

注:患者为72岁男性右侧肺腺癌患者。通过WB-DWI临床诊断为cT2aN2M0(临床分期为IIIA),与PET-CT+颅脑MRI诊断相同;病理诊断有5组淋巴结转移,病理分期为pT2aN2M0(病理分期为IIIA);a、b、e图:b值=50 s/mm2;c、d、f图:b值=1000 s/mm2;g图:f图的黑白反转图;a图和c图箭头所指为不同b值下的腺癌;b图和d图箭头所指为不同b值转移淋巴结;e、f、g图右侧箭头所指为不同b值下的腺癌;e、f、g图左侧箭头所指为不同b值下的转移淋巴结。

表1 经由PET-CT或WB-DWI的临床诊断淋巴结分期与淋巴结病理分期的关系(例)

表2 肺癌的肺门及纵隔淋巴结在PET-CT或WB-DWI的诊断准确性评估(%)


表3 经由PET-CT或WB-DWI诊断的临床分期与病理分期的关系(例)

3 讨论


研究发现WB-DWI对肺癌分期的诊断准确性高于PET-CT联合颅脑MRI(0.7>0.667),但两种检查方法没有统计学差异,因而可以认为两者的诊断性能相当。但由于PET-CT昂贵的价格,辐射损伤的影响,其普及率也不如MRI广泛,加上PET-CT对于脑转移的显示较差,必须用颅脑MRI作为辅助,因而可以认为WB-DWI具有更加便捷、直观且整体的统一性,检查方式优于PET-CT。同样我们在表1和表3中发现对于有淋巴结转移的患者,WB-DWI在诊断淋巴结转移方面高于PET-CT (表1中的WB-DWI 2例,PET-CT 0例),而对于有远处脑转移的患者差别不大(表3中两者均为3例),因而WB-DWI是一种有用的肺癌分期检查工具。





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Comparative Study of Whole Body Diffusion Weighted Imaging with PET-CT and Craniocerebral MRI in the Clinical Diagnosis of Lung Cancer Staging

TAN Yanhuan, LI Junchen
Department of Radiology, Changshu Affiliated Hospital of Nanjing University of Chinese Medicine, Changshu Jiangsu 215500, China

Abstract:ObjectiveTo determine whether the diagnostic performance of lung cancer staging by WB-DWI is superior to that of PETCT in combination with craniocerebral MRI.MethodsPET-CT in combination with craniocerebral MRI as well as WB-DWI were used for lung cancer patients before surgery. Among them, 22 were squamous cell carcinomas, 6 were adenocarcinomas and 2 were small cell lung cancer. The accuracy of lung cancer staging was analyzed by McNemar test and chi-square test.ResultsA total of 23 patients (76.67%) with pathological stage of N were correctly identified by PET-CT, with an estimated accuracy of 0.767. However, 2(6.67%) were over staged and 5 (16.67%) were under staged. 26 patients (86.67%) with pathological stage of N were correctly identified by WB-DWI, with an estimated accuracy of 0.867. However, 1 (3.33%) was over staged, and 3 (10%) were under staged. There was no statistical difference between the two detection rates. There were 20 (66.67%) cases who could correctly determine the pathological stage with PET-CT and brain MRI, and there were 3 (10%) over staging cases and 7 (23.33%) under staging cases, and the accuracy of staging was 0.667. There were 21 patients (70%) who could correctly be identified the pathological stage with WB-DWI, and there were 2 (6.67%) over staging cases and 7 (23.33%) cases were underestimated, the staging accuracy was 0.7. There was no statistical difference between the two detection rates.ConclusionWB-DWI is superior in staging diagnosis of lung cancer than PET-CT and brain MRI.

Key words:magnetic resonance imaging; positron emission tomography; diffusion weighted imaging; lung cancer; staging








本文编辑 王静